Dimum is located on the Danube riverbank, underneath the contemporary town of Belene, nearby the “Vasil Levski” school, on a hill called Hisar or Gradishte...

The legionary centre and Late Antiquity town of Novae are in the eastern end of the contemporary town of Svishtov in the Staklen...

The castle of Iatrus bears the name of the Antiquity name of the river Iantra - Iatrus...

Trimammium is located on the Danube riverbank, in the Stalpishte locality, which stands around 3 km to the northwest from the village of Mechka, Rousse region, and 22 km to the southwest from Rousse...

The Late Antiquity fort at the village of Cherven is one of the hundreds anonymous fortifications, localized within the territory of Second Moesia...

Sexaginta Prista
The literal translation of the name Sexaginta Prista is “sixty ships”. The name Sexaginta Prista was also used for the Early Roman camp, built in the time of Emperor Domitian, as well as by the studied Late Roman fortification on the Danube riverbank...

The name of Abritus is found relatively often in the descriptions of Antiquity and Early Medieval authors...

Durostorum is located on the Danube riverbank, underneath the contemporary town of Silistra, 120 km to the northeast of Rousse. It is the ending point of the present-day Bulgarian section of the river...

Tropaeum Тraiani
Through the national road DN3 Constanta-Ostrov, Adamclisi (Constanta County), where the ancient city is located, and the triumphant monument - Tropaeum Traiani can be reached...

Between Rasova and Dunăreni places, on a high hill from the right bank of the Danube, in Musait point, there were identified traces of walls and there were recovered some inscriptions...

Capidava city is located on the right bank of the Danube, at half the distance between Harsova (Carsium) and Cernavoda (Axiopolis), and it was built with the help of Vth Macedonica legion from Troesmis and XIth Claudia legion from Durostorum at the beginning of the IInd century...

The Roman and Roman-Byzantine fortress of Carsium was built over a Getae fortification, starting from the second half of the first century AD...

The archaeological site "Ulmetum" is positioned in the central part of Dobrogea, located in the north-western edge of the village Pantelimonu de Sus (Constanta County)...

Histria was founded by Greek colonists from Milet, in the 7th century BC. The propitious location which provided a safe mooring place, a productive rural territory, the vicinity of river Istros, as well as an easy to defend promontory, determines a quite rapid social, cultural, economic development of the settlement...

Tomis, the ancient Greek colony, gradually took over the features specific to a Roman city, but the Greek traditions continued to exist at material, cultural, administrative, linguistic etc...